Role: Game Developer


This immersive project is designed with a strong emphasis on developing a therapeutic environment custom-tailored for survivors of breast and ovarian cancer. Its goal is to tackle the mental health effects of these conditions by offering a healing and supportive space through interactive and empathetic Human-Computer Interaction.

Problem Statement:

Breast and ovarian cancer not only pose significant physical challenges but also have profound effects on the mental well-being of survivors. The emotional toll of undergoing cancer treatment necessitates innovative approaches to address the mental health aspects of the survivorship journey. This project aims to tackle the mental health effects of breast and ovarian cancer by creating a therapeutic and immersive environment through Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).

The existing gap in mental health support for cancer survivors highlights the need for a personalized and interactive solution. Traditional therapeutic methods may not fully address the emotional and psychological struggles faced by survivors. The lack of immersive and empathetic platforms specifically tailored for breast and ovarian cancer survivors underscores the necessity for a project that combines technology, storytelling, and therapeutic exercises.

Our immersive project focuses on providing survivors with a daily therapeutic experience within realistic environments, each with a unique storyline. The player embarks on a journey as a glowing orb, progressing through environments that culminate in a breathing exercise specifically designed for relaxation and stress reduction. The audio-visual simulations throughout the journey aim to establish a deep connection with the player, fostering a sense of healing and empowerment.

This project addresses the critical need for innovative solutions to enhance the mental well-being of breast and ovarian cancer survivors. By combining HCI, storytelling, and therapeutic exercises, we aim to create a supportive space that not only acknowledges the emotional challenges but also facilitates a transformative healing experience for survivors.


In this immersive project, my role was instrumental in shaping the visual and auditory elements to convey the profound sense of healing throughout the player's journey. Key contributions include:

  1. Visual Healing Simulation:

    • Spearheaded the development of visual representations to vividly convey the feeling of healing. This involved creating dynamic visual effects for the player, symbolizing the transformative process within each environment.

  2. Niagara Elements in Unreal Engine:

    • Utilized Unreal Engine's Niagara system to craft visually appealing and immersive elements for each checkpoint. This included the integration of dynamic visuals synchronized with the audio, enhancing the overall interactive experience.

  3. Interactive Checkpoints:

    • Developed interactive checkpoints that seamlessly combined visual and audio elements. Ensured a cohesive and engaging experience for the player at each stage of the journey, leading up to the therapeutic breathing exercise.

  4. Final Checkpoint Interactivity:

    • Took a lead role in making the final checkpoint a truly interactive and therapeutic space. Integrated particle effects for the breathing exercise, enhancing the player's immersion. Incorporated audio cues to guide the player through the breathing process effectively.

  5. Storyline Integration:

    • Facilitated a seamless transition for the player into each environment by ensuring smooth integration of the storyline. Contributed to making the narrative an integral part of the overall experience, enhancing the emotional connection for the player.

Target Audience:

The project is tailored for breast and ovarian cancer survivors, providing a nurturing and therapeutic environment. Its primary goal is to directly enhance the mental well-being of survivors through an immersive and interactive experience. Furthermore, the project envisions expanding its scope to address the mental health needs of survivors facing other types of cancer in the future.

Technological Stack:

The project utilizes Unreal Engine and Niagara systems to create dynamic visual effects. Additionally, Maya is employed for the development of assets and character design.

Project Visuals/ Blueprints:

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